July 31, 2008

Bowser gets spanked


This is what happens when you keep chasing Mario and ditch your loyal minions' requests.

Nintendo already working on Wii's successor


There's just no stopping when it comes to Nintendo and its cash printing machine, dubbed the Nintendo Wii.

I didn't expect it to be THAT fast, but apparently our Ninty brothers are already cracking their heads on their next console.

"We are always preparing for the next hardware." commented president Iwata.

"This time around, it happened to be we had a revolutionary user interface. Will it be the same for the next generation? I really can't tell."

Just keep pumping stronger wiiorcs and we'll worry bout the rest, Nintendo!


July 30, 2008

Karateka getting redesigned


Jordan Mechner, creator of 1984's classic Karateka and Prince of Persia series is planning to bring back its karate franchise in an all new form.

Known for its fluid animation, it paved way for the more popular arabian themed prince of persia game in later years. But that's not stopping Karateka from making a formal comeback!

"I can safely say it's not going to be the way that you expect." teased Mechner.

Yeah Mechner, just make it easier this time!


Getting married? Think again!


Marriage has always been a topic of interest among us living beings. See, it's about holding on to your relationships.

Not quite, folks!

Recently, I was told that it served as a way to resolve the differences you're having with your partner right now. Why? 'Cause she'll be damn busy with housework!

Gosh, someone's gonna spend the rest of his life counting for expiry.

How to open a bottle with a paper


Great tip, WhiteyKnuckles!

Now teach me how to open my piggy bank without a hammer.

July 29, 2008

Dr. 'J.D' John Dorian is leaving Scrubs!?


Actor Zach Braff who stars in popular cult comedy tv series "Scrubs" will apparently leave Sacred Heart Hospital for the last time in season eight!

Seemingly paying way for new recruits, this is a shattering news to many of us as he was the central character that moved the series with his cracked personality.

Creator Bill Lawrence commented: "The end of the show will be about JD leaving the hospital."

"When you leave, it's about holding on to your relationships."

Turk, hold him will ya!?


Amy Winehouse spends a night in the hospital


Singer of hit single "Rehab" Amy Winehouse spent a night in London's hospital after reportedly suffered an adverse reaction to medication taken at home.

Seriously, "Medication"?

I bet they tried to make her go to rehab but she said 'no, no, no' ?


July 28, 2008

What do you get when you mix a chicken and a karate expert?


... A Chicken Chop!

Thanks Pizza Hut, for the cheesy joke. Now where's my miss pecky?...here pecky pecky!

Another PSP Iteration in the works?


Sure, E3 2008 was a far cry compared to what they had 2 years before;

But that's not stopping any wild speculation on a newly redesigned PSP 3000 running like a wild goose in the fields. Take that, Nintendo!

According to folks at kotaku, the newly redesigned PSP is said to only have little cosmetic changes with microphone support being added. That's not much for a 1000 increment to stop piracy, Sony!

PSP 2000, what're you looking at?! Go back to bed!

July 27, 2008

Today’s Weekly Stickies


A little short since we’re just getting started here ;)

Check out the highlights for this week :

Meanwhile, in one of the book sections
The “Bible” represents..
What to wear when you go Steamboating
Starting 1..2..3 — Ding!

Meanwhile, in one of the book sections


Either a totally new direction for marketing self-improvement books;

Or someone is crying right now 'cause he just couldn’t get deep into mommy's pockets!

The "Bible" has a meaning


Basics Instructions Before Leaving Earth !

That wasn’t hard was it?

Thanks, Guru Pitka! We’ve been enlightened.

July 26, 2008

What to wear when you go Steamboating


Apparently there’re asians out there who thinks diving straight into steamboating with their office attires is a great thing to do.

What?! Where’re all those good ol’ days when we could glutton ourselves wearing like an American Tourist?!

Gosh, that would had them grilled in no time. Yesiree.

July 25, 2008

Starting 1..2..3 — Ding!

I got tired of blogging the way it was, putting me on the brink of calling it quits!

Then it came to me;

How about a totally no frills fast micro blog that I can posts easily without breaking any sweat?!

Introducing, Short Sticks. It’s so short it’s easily adhesive!

p/s: Those were under 50 words, dang I love it!

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